Monday, June 6, 2011

Why Pray?

Today I came across a good question from someone, contemplating the necessity of prayer. Is prayer necessary? Does it even make sense to pray, according to the Bible. Are you wasting your time praying? 

Let us conduct a small experiment, everyone reading this text right now, say a small prayer. Specifically pray that  your internet will disconnect, and you will be forced to stop reading this post that has obviously been written by some devil child. 

Still here...?

I thought so. See folks prayer is imaginary, there is nothing real about you somehow talking to some ghost "high above". That ghost doesn't hear you, trust me. Anyways, on to the argument.

Let's assume (for the sake of debate) that all written within the Bible is correct, every last bit. Specifically for this post three things must be true:
1: There is a God.
2: He hears your prayers.
3: He answers them.  

Now back to our little experiment we conducted earlier. If you have gotten this far without your internet shutting off, then one of those three items must be false.

1: There is no God.
2: He doesn't hear your prayer. 
3: He doesn't answer them.

Now according to the Bible, God hears and answers your prayers: 
Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." 

Also, according to the Bible (and we all know this one) God is omniscient, meaning he knows all. 
Omniscient (Om`nis´cient) adj.
1.Having universal knowledgeknowing all thingsinfinitely knowing or wise.

But something does add up! If God is omniscient, then why do I have to pray? He already knows what I'm going to pray about and he already knows the outcome of the situation I am going to pray about. It must be pointless to pray! Wait what?! Ugh.

Here's an example:
I am eating pizza right now, if I pray not to choke on this pizza and truly believe it with all my heart that God will hear this and answer this by allowing me to eat without choking, then I shouldn't choke right? If God already knew (because he's omniscient) that I wasn't going to choke then that prayer was pointless. Regardless of the prayer, I wasn't going to choke. But let's say I did choke, did God just refuse to answer me? Or maybe he doesn't care about me, or messed up. 

Folks, prayer is pointless. It will not change anything, even if all the crap in the Bible is true, God being omniscient cancels out the effect of prayer. This is a big flaw within the Bible and it brings about many issues.

I hope all of my reader's enjoyed this post.

Once again, anyone can comment. Go ahead and be the first one to start an ongoing conversation.

Until next time.. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Daily wonders.

So I want to try and post more often, I've been failing at that lately. Anyways I'm hoping I can come up with a few questions a week. Maybe I can spark some good conversations by leaving an open question; we'll see.

Today I came across a topic on a forum that I regularly visit.

Why do you believe in Christianity?

It's an interesting question, I wonder If many Christians have ever thought about their beliefs in this way. I would hope not, any thinking man should refuse to agree with such a horrid piece of literature.

Yet I understand there are many men and women who choose to believe for whatever reason. To those of you in that category, I'd like to hear why you believe. Maybe stories of a definitive moment in life that hammered your beliefs home, so to speak.

Hopefully we see some good responses, I'd love to get insight on some of the reasons my fellow human beings believe.

As always anyone can respond in the comments. Until next time..