Monday, May 10, 2010

Conversation with a Bible believer.

Hey everybody,

I would just like to post a conversation that I recently had with a fellow. I have provided him with numerous verses that are contradicting, including some that I have posted about. I have shown him with intricate detail how evolution works; how God is evil; how the Bible is faulted and the only things he can do at this point is use circular reasoning and call me names. This isn't the whole conversation, just a small portion at the end of our discussion, I quoted a famous quote from which I have not spent time to figure out the original author and well you'll see the rest. The fellow's name will be kept anonymous (***) for privacy.

Me: When we start teaching people HOW to think and not WHAT to think religion will be a thing of the past.

***: That's original

Either way I speak the truth my man.

***: History repeating itself every year with you young bucks. I still haven't forgotten about those apparent contradictions.

Me: I'm glad you just considered me a young buck, that's what they considered Aristotle when he first showed evidence that the earth was a sphere and not flat "young buck". Or what about Parmenides, Pythagoras (ever heard of the Pythagorean Theorem), Leucippus, Democritus? All scientist who provided undeniable evidence that the earth was round. Known as [to the world now] some of thee most intelligent men ever to step foot on our planet, yet were seen by others of there time as "wack jobs", "young bucks." Aristotle, turns out to be one of the most well known philosophers to this day.

My point, I am just providing evidence, no biased thought behind what I say, only fact, I will never claim something to be true because "God says so"; I don't need him to say so. I can prove my explanations with physical evidence. Humanity has been so brainwashed for the past 1000 years that most of us have forgot how to think rationally, we need to move on from the "religious era." It is old, irrational, scared to know the truth people, that hold us "young bucks" back. After all the most powerful religiously ruled era to date was coined the "Dark ages" hmm.. wonder why? But then again people still think Earth is less than 7,000 years old...

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