Thursday, May 13, 2010


Is death a main factor in why people are religious? When you are mentally mature enough to question why you believe in God, does death have a big part of why you would answer yes?

I have a lot of people that try to "convert" me everyday, and almost always they mention how great life will be after "death". What will be so great about it? I mean when you die you die. What are the chances that this evil God is actually out there? What makes you so sure that it is the Lord up there and not Buddha? If you were raised as a strict Buddhist, do you think you would somehow know that the only true God is the Christian God? Absolutely not; you would stand by the fairy tales that you heard as a kid, just like you do now.

It really makes sense how religion is/ was used to control the masses. If you make up some bogus answer to a very important question, [in this case what happens when we die?] that will sound appealing to people, than of course a lot of people will follow whatever else you have to say. Humans now a days have lost the ability to think for themselves.

So my question to you [the reader] is.. Does the afterlife play a roll into why you believe?

To everyone who reads this, don't be shy to post a comment and answer my question. It will most likely lead to a good educated discussion. Also don't forget to subscribe via email and RSS.


  1. I'm not sure how afterlife affects all christians but I'd think their faith is more nurtured than a personal choice. It seems that a lot of religious people are brought up to be that way and are in a sense pressured into believing. Whether it be their parents, friends, and certainly the church causing this, it's all around us, our country is founded on the belief of Christ.

  2. Indeed, I too strongly agree with the idea that religion is more of a nurtured, cultural belief which one passes down to their offspring. America especially, One Nation Under God; that phrase alone sums it up.

    Good to hear from you by the way.
