Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lord give me A SIGN?

I've been thinking; has anyone ever had to tell themselves "I need a sign from God right now?"

After asking a few religious [and non-religious] family members and friends, I have come to a conclusion. Everyone at one point in their life will ask for a sign from [some type of] God.

That, ladies and gentlemen, means most people can connect on this level of thought. At least non-believers and believers [of God] share some type of emotional questioning for a deity.

My question is; if you are a strong follower of God, why would you need to ask this? Is it because your God has failed [miserably] to show himself? You might say it is because everyone goes through tough times and God wants you to experience this thought, but why? Why would a perfect God need his most beloved creations to feel lonely or helpless? How faulted can one God be? Sad to say the Judeo-Christian God is very faulted and even worst 2.1 billion humans believe in this guy.

Just food for thought, please feel free to comment or ask questions to ME as I will respond. Subscribe so you don't miss out on the "Debating a Christian" series and I will see you guys back here soon.

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